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On a mission to bring peace into the world

This is not an uncommon question about Collaborative Divorce.

For my impending divorce I would like to go with a collaborative approach, a non-adversarial method that puts both parties in the same room with their lawyers and where everything is hashed out right there. No papers served, no shots fired across legal lines….all out in the open, together. Depending on your perspective, this is either an awesome progression in family law or a nightmare scenario.

So my problem is this: I’ve spoken to a collaborative lawyer, and I have her on board…but I now need to get my angry wife to agree to take on a collaborative lawyer as well and do it in a timely fashion. She’s waiting and stonewalling and doing everything BUT seeing this move forward. Now I’m getting frustrated. How can I convince her the Collaborative approach is the way to go?

Answer: Give your wife a list of collaborative attorneys and offer to pay for a consultation or two. Hopefully she will see this as a way for the both of you to move forward peacefully with your lives.

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