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Tag Archives: divorce

What are the advantages of Amicable Divorce?

The cost of amicable divorce is generally less expensive than traditional litigation.

By attempting to settle the case out of court, there is no winner or loser, and less reason for husband and wife to be hostile with one another.

Resolution of the divorce is accelerated.

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What are the advantages of Mediated Divorce?

The couple is empowered to make their own decisions and control the pace of their settlement.

As both spouses work with the same mediator, the divorce process is expedited, and the couple is able to set the pace of their divorce.

The cost of the mediation is generally less than any of the other methods.

The couple is encouraged to communicate with one another and to resolve any future disputes  regarding the financial support of one another or the parenting of their children out of court.

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What is the difference between Mediated Divorce and Collaborative Divorce?

In mediation, a neutral facilitator directs husband and wife through all stages of their family law process, assisting them to reach agreement on each issue.

In collaborative divorce, both husband and wife obtain their own collaborative counsel plus the guidance and support of other team members including mental health professionals, a child specialist, and a financial consultant. Additionally, the process begins by the couple and their attorneys executing the collaborative contract, not to litigate in court.

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