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Tag Archives: spouse

What is the best method for our Divorce?

Generally the Collaborative Divorce process is best suited to handle divorces where there are many alternatives in regards to the division of property, in regards to the creation of a parenting plan that is best for the children, and where communication between the parties can be improved by the team coaches.

Generally the Mediated Divorce process is best suited to handle less complex divorces, undisputed custody arrangements, and to work with couples who trust and will not threaten one another.

Generally the Amicable Divorce process is best suited to handle divorces where one of the parties does not wish to retain an attorney, or the other spouse has already retained a litigation attorney but prefers to settle out of court.

Since the decision as to which method to employ must be treated on a case by case basis, it is wise to discuss your situation first with a competent professional.

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What are the advantages of Amicable Divorce?

The cost of amicable divorce is generally less expensive than traditional litigation.

By attempting to settle the case out of court, there is no winner or loser, and less reason for husband and wife to be hostile with one another.

Resolution of the divorce is accelerated.

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This is not an uncommon question about Collaborative Divorce.

For my impending divorce I would like to go with a collaborative approach, a non-adversarial method that puts both parties in the same room with their lawyers and where everything is hashed out right there. No papers served, no shots fired across legal lines….all out in the open, together. Depending on your perspective, this is either an awesome progression in family law or a nightmare scenario.

So my problem is this: I’ve spoken to a collaborative lawyer, and I have her on board…but I now need to get my angry wife to agree to take on a collaborative lawyer as well and do it in a timely fashion. She’s waiting and stonewalling and doing everything BUT seeing this move forward. Now I’m getting frustrated. How can I convince her the Collaborative approach is the way to go?

Answer: Give your wife a list of collaborative attorneys and offer to pay for a consultation or two. Hopefully she will see this as a way for the both of you to move forward peacefully with your lives.

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